
A Step Toward IEP Quality and Rigor

6 credits


Full course description

A Step Toward IEP Quality And Rigor: A Rubric to Guide Development of Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (PLAAFPs), Goals/Objectives, and Progress Monitoring Methods of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities. This training was developed by Texas SPED Support in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency.


As part of this training, a Quality and Rigor Rubric has been created to guide you in the development process.  

Educators will: 

  • Understand critical components of the IEP including: PLAAFP, Goals/Objectives and Progress Monitoring Methods. 
  • Apply the Quality & Rigor Rubric to the IEP’s  PLAAFP, Goals/Objectives, and Progress Monitoring sections. 
  • Create PLAAFPs, Goals/Objectives, and Progress Monitoring Methods that are rigorous and of the highest quality. 

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